Unlimited Range Shooters Association (URSA)

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General Disclaimer, Privacy, Terms and Conditions, and Credits

Initial Structure of the Association - as a non-commercial affiliation, without formal membership, dues, or economic or legal relationships, the Association shall promote and pursue its General Statement of Purpose through Regions.

Associates, Regions, and Regional Directors (Rds)

    ● "Associates" - interested parties that participate in or otherwise work to advance the Association

    ● “Regions” – geographical areas of a size dependant on dispersion of associates, commute time, and other factors decided among the parties

    ● “Regional Director” (RD) - those individuals committed to and accepting responsibility for:

         ►Leading the regional organization

         ►Making it happen in their region - including finding and obtaining access to venues; recruiting associates to act in range management and support functions; and obtaining required equipment, props and consumables

         ►Providing ongoing on-the-ground guidance and support

         ►Being the focal point for communications with the rest of the URSA infrastructure, with associates in their region, and with regional governmental and non-governmental third parties.

    ● “Facilitator and Webmaster” - helps to make it happen association-wide; defines, develops, and maintains website content and format.


A POSSIBLE, more-long-term structure of the Association - as a non-commercial affiliation, without formal membership, dues, or economic or legal relationships, the Association shall promote and pursue its General Statement of Purpose through local, regional, national, and international Organizing Bodies composed of Working Groups (their structural level in parentheses) and Regions.

Working Groups (WGs) shall include, but not be limited to:

    ● Administration, Affiliation, and Documentation (international)

    ● Education and Shooter Development (all)

    ● Demonstration (all except as noted for international)

    ● Guidelines, Requirements, and Understandings (international)

    ● Recognition (international)

    ● Promotion and Special Events (all)

Working Groups [Individuals may be part of multiple WGs]

Administration, Affiliation, and Documentation WG:


    ● Assemble and "sign-up" "associates"

    ● Define regional, national, and international structure and gain associated leadership responsibility acceptance

    ● Determine how we indemnify associates and venue owners

    ● Develop and obtain legal review of liability waivers (gratis)

    ● Develop and document "pay-as-you-go" activity funding policy and procedures


    ● With interested parties (non-governmental; e.g., associates and industry companies)

    ● Within the leadership structure

    ● Between leadership and "3rd parties" (governmental, media)

    ● Develop and publish standard confidentiality language


    ● Develop and publish the various documentation processes and associated forms/formats


    ● Define and develop controls to ensure non-commercial, non-preferential operation

    ● Develop leadership independence document and get signed off

    ● Develop and document disassociation procedure


    ● Define content and format

    ● Develop

    ● Maintain

Education and Shooter Development WG:

    ● Develop Educational Materials Review Board (EMRB)

    ● Compile public domain and "with-attribution" resources for review by EMRB

    ● Develop and implement educational resources website

    ● Develop and publish shooter orientation materials and procedures

    ● Develop and publish novice education materials and procedures

    ● Develop a volunteer cadre of educators

    ● Consider and, if OK'd, develop a Board of Advisers

    ● Consider and, if OK'd, develop a Board of Tech Experts

Demonstration WG:

Safety Rules

    ● Develop and publish safety requirements/rules

Shooting venues/locations

    ● Develop and publish minimum and activity/event-level requirements

    ● Develop and publish standard "agreement between the parties" (i.e., between activity/event associates and venue owner/administrator)

    ● Find/develop venues/locations


    ● Define and publish nature and general structure of each

    ● Build schedules - local, regional and beyond-regional level

    ● Staff and conduct

Recognition WG:

    ● For achievement - develop requirements for and how to recognize achievement (e.g., certificates, plaques, trophies, results postings, etc.)

    ● For Association and activity/event supporters - develop requirements for and how to recognize named supporter (e.g., those providing equipment or services needed to conduct an activity, those allowing use of their company logo on the Supporters page of the Association's website, etc.)

    ● Consider/develop/define shooter "progression path" (e.g., novice, apprentice, journeyman, master, grand master)

    ● Consider/develop/define gunsmith/system builder and rifle/system component builder "recognition levels" (e.g., maker, senior maker, master maker)

    ● Consider/develop/define owner "recognition levels" (e.g., owner, senior owner, extreme owner)

    ● Develop and publish "relationships with supporters" guidelines (to cover, if applicable, expenses beyond what can reasonably be charged to pay activity expenses)

    ● Develop and electronically master recognition "certificates"

    ● Develop and price awards

    ● Develop and publish award procedure/process

Promotion and Special Events WG:

    ● Develop the Association's message

    ● Near-term, long-term - promotion planning and implementation

Working Group Chairpersons (WGCs)

    ● “Working Group Chairperson” - those individuals committed to:

         ►Leading the WG

         ►Providing WG guidance and support

         ►Accepting responsibility for making it happen in their WG

         ►Being the focal point for communications with the rest of URSA infrastructure.

     [Associates in each WG are asked to communicate among their fellow WG members, consider and assess “candidates”, decide how to “vote”, “elect” their WGC, and communicate their decision to the URSA webmaster for publication.]

Regional Directors (RDs) - see “Initial Structure of the Association” (top)

Educational Materials Review Board Members (EMRBMs)

    ● “EMRBM” - those individuals committed to:

         ►Finding “URSA-useful educational materials”

         ►Reviewing URSA-useful educational materials

         ►Preparing “review recaps” of URSA-useful educational materials including attributional citations

         ►Submitting review recaps to the Webmaster for “publication” on the URSA website

    ● “URSA-useful educational materials” – those articles, forum posts, texts, and other hard copy and electronic “publications” of interest to the URSA community

     [The chairperson of the Education and Shooter Development WG will contact those individuals indicating an interest in working in this area to discuss specific “projects”.]

Volunteer Educators (VolEds)

    ● “Volunteer Educators” - those individuals committed to:

         ►Helping to identify and define “URSA-useful skills”

         ►Providing on-the-ground demonstration of URSA-useful skills

         ►Assisting fellow associates (at least at the novice level) learn URSA-useful skills

         ►(Optional) preparing associated outlines and brief narratives for inclusion in URSA’s online repository of educational materials

    ● All VolEds shall be uncompensated.

    ● “URSA-useful skills” – those needed for a novice to SAFELY get their feet wet.

      [RDs will contact those individuals in their region to discuss where and when they are available to assist at regional activities and possibly “training” other regional VolEds. The chairperson of the Education and Shooter Development WG will also contact those individuals to discuss the “optional” activities noted above.]